Kate + Paul {Married}

How they met, in her words:"Cliff (our best man and mutual friend who introduced us) knew I was a musician and spent time at Hideaway Café & Recording Studio in St. Petersburg , so one night in August of 2009, Cliff brought Paul out to meet me there. The next week, Paul’s family was visiting and he brought them all out to Hideaway to see me perform, so I got to ‘meet the parents’ very early on! The next few days led to our first ‘official’ dates and we planned our first getaway together to Pier House Resort in Key West 6 weeks later. About a year later in December of 2010, Paul proposed on the door step of Hideaway Café & Recording Studio. We married 9 months later with our feet in the sand at Pier House in Key West. That night, I played him a song I wrote for him, called “Our Song”. The song will be on my first album, which is being recorded at Hideaway Café & Recording studio this Spring. The cd should release this summer :)"Please like Kate's facebook page to get updates about her music.